“In front of the house there is a meadow orchard and a herb garden, behind which the wide meadow and the forest begin. Inside there is a smell of wood and the furniture is a creative composition of in-house production, mid-century elements, design classics and regional antiques. This is how we want to live - exactly like that! "

Our two favorite places in Schmidhuber: Tanja in the Barcelona chair and Chris on the windowsill - both with a wide view of the green

Here inside and outside become a whole

In the middle of the quaint Chiemgau, between traditional courtyards and Bavarian clichés, this wonderfully modern architect-designed house is in passive construction. The very friendly owner couple Daniela and Christian live in the historically beautiful courtyard next door and give us a warm welcome.


From the outside, the wooden house initially appears very minimalist and modern and, with its clear edges and simple geometries, is in stark contrast to the surroundings with forest, meadow and lush greenery. Inside, both apartments surprise with a lot of personal charm, obstinacy and modern design. The Barcelona chair meets the restored peasant table. The modern is combined with the ancient. Steel meets wood. Great color combinations of carpets and fabrics meet wall paintings and modern paintings by Christian - the owner himself. In addition, there is the particularly peaceful and cozy atmosphere that is so characteristic of passive houses. Everything is in flux, everything has its function and its place. We love the kitchen from where you can look into the forest, the wide window sills to linger, the great selection of books and dreaming about your own four walls, which should look exactly the same.

As a welcome there is a fantastic homemade apple pie by Daniela

And because we feel at home right away, family comes to visit


The Schmidhuber is on the east side of the Chiemsee, our favorite side. Here it is a little quieter and a little off the beaten track. In the local inn, cards are still played in the evening and if you don't have any money with you, you can just throw it in the mailbox the next day. Here people still trust themselves and strangers and we still attract attention with our Berlin license plate. The next beach on the Chiemsee is only a few minutes away by car, we don't drive to the mountains for half an hour and where are the children? They play outside, jump on the trampoline, look for the cat, climb the fruit trees and pick apples, explore the forest and are just themselves. This is how life in the country can be!

It's great that the modern and super nice kitchen is immediately ready for use: everything from spices to pasta to coffee. Thank you!

And of course there are apples from our own garden that are currently being fed to the gang here

Sometimes it's great to just send the boys out to run around, we really miss that in our Berlin apartment

We would never have thought how many hours the kids spend on the trampoline, unbelievable

Must Do

+ Jump on the trampoline

+ sit on the windowsill and read

+ Invite friends and cook together

+ lock the children out;)

+ Walk in the woods

+ enjoy the well thought-out design every day

Munich is next on the route, naturally with our own travel guide "Happy in Munich" with the Süddeutsche Zeitung

While we're still in bed, the big boys party in their own room

Pleasure for adults too: a glass of red wine and then jumping on the trampoline when the kids are asleep

The warm hosts of the Schmidhuber: Daniela & Christian

Many thanks to Daniela & Christian for the wonderful time with them and at their their beautiful house

Where to find us


Tabing 24 A, 83339 Chieming

Nearest Airport

München, Salzburg


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Hotels with Soul by NECTAR & PULSE is a personal collection of our favourite hotels around the globe. They have two things in common: soul and passion. Some serve the best coffee we’ve ever tasted. Some the comfiest beds and linen. Some have a sauna in the woods and delicious home-made jams. Others have a butler available 24/7 or a hunter ready to take you on a hunt. One has a library where you’ll want to while away the hours, another one a kitchen stocked with the best midnight snacks.

What they all have in common is great design, friendly people, and authenticity. We call it the NECTAR & PULSE vibe. It’s that feeling where it’s so comfortable, it almost feels home, but you feel like there’s so much to learn, see, and do. These are the places that make you think to yourself, “there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Hotels with Soul are the ultimate destination for curious travellers with a good taste. Discover their story. Experience their soul.


We love to discover new places and to add more beautiful places to our collection. If you think that your hotel reflects our philosophy, please get in touch with us at hello@nectarandpulse.com. We are happy to give you further information, our media kit and our terms. We are looking forward to get to know you and eventually to work together.


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