I call it my "refreshing retreat". A great public bath with natural, running water!
This is the smallest but also one of the most beautiful and intimate beer gardens in town. Right next to the river Isar and definitely off the beaten path.
A beautiful old building which serves great Bavarian food and beer.
Fantastic Lebanese restaurant. You have to try their delicious food!
This is my favourite district in Munich, with its unique Italian flair and all the great places at the little piazza. You really can't go wrong with this district.
A wall in the city where everybody with a spray can - artist or not - can leave his or her mark. Great fun and very inspiring!
Go and shop for some delicacies at this gourmet food store or have a quick bite at the bistro.
An Italian restaurant with Bavarian charm. A special delight: they prepare lovely picnic baskets for you if you book them in advance!
Great Italian restaurant run with a Latin sensibility and temper.
This restaurant has a very unique background: underprivileged teenagers can apply here for apprenticeships and are integrated into an encouraging and hardworking team. All you see in the foreground is fine dining in an industrial chic atmosphere. Great project, great restaurant!
"Tagträumer" means daydreamer and daydreaming is exactly what you'll be up to at this homey retro café.
Heaven for anyone with a sweet tooth. I come here for the ice cream especially.
Stand here, enjoy your ice cream and watch the surfers (in the summer) and the beautiful river Isar.
Shop for cool, stylish, but above all animal- and environment-friendly fashion here.
Great, authentic Italian food served in a cute and cosy bistro.
A fancy bar which serves great cocktails. Every Thursday night you can listen to fantastic live music!
Staying here feels like staying with friends. During Oktoberfest it feels like you meet the whole world just outside the door.
A Turkish restaurant which is very friendly, always busy and serves delicious food. Perfect for an evening with a group of friends.
Have a tasty snack and a cup of coffee at this stylish café. The atmosphere here is really friendly and familiar.
Sit at the bar, have a "Tegernseer" (local beer) and chat with people from the hood.
A hip, homelike bar where an authentic vintage charm prevails.
This place is tiny and quite an offbeat location, but has a good vibe and there are always great DJs working the turntables.
This is where you find the best kebab in town and other Turkish delicacies!
My favourite hairdresser! Those guys are doing a great job and I love the laid-back atmosphere.

My thoughts about Munich
Every city has its own charm and is known for special characteristics. When foreigners think about Munich, they mostly think about beer, Dirndl and “Gemütlichkeit” (cosiness). Fortunately, Munich has so much more to offer, even things and places most people from Munich still don’t know about. There are still parts of the city I haven’t discovered yet, but I’m working on it. I wonder what they’ll surprise me with next!
Bilderbuch, Wanda, Action Bronson, Schlachthof Bronx, Roosevelt, Queens of the Stone Age, Chet Faker, José González.
Have a “Schmalznudel” (fried yeast biscuit) or “Rohrnudel” (oven-baked yeast biscuit) with plums at Café Schmalznudel (next to Viktualienmarkt). It’s one of the best taste experiences you will have in the whole wide world.

Take a vacation into My life
I’m a freelance editor, salesman, beer sommelier and I run a company together with three friends of mine. We produce lemonade that cures hangovers. I know, we do not heal diseases, but it feels good to help the people to not wake up with a headache after a hard night out.
It depends… some Saturdays in summer I get up very early, leave my apartment and just enjoy the silence outside. Yeah, the morning hours are definitely the best time of the day. Also because I love to have a good breakfast. On weekends there is always an extended version and during the week I try to have breakfast twice a day.
It’s a changing environment that inspires me, but also friends, family, music, nature, architecture and books. And, of course, travelling. Every trip gives me new inspiration, especially regarding food. I believe that you get to know the country and the people best by trying and dealing with the local food.
They would describe me as a ‘still water, running deep’, sometimes impatient, single-minded—especially when it comes to food—and always hospitable and helpful. Not to forget, sporty and kind of creative.
Vespa (Italian scooter), kitchen, guitar, beer garden, everywhere.
Marc Fischer - Jäger, Heiner Link - Fräulein Ursula, Süddeutsche newspaper and Süddeutsche Magazin, spiegel.de.
Although I do not watch much, there are a few series and films which left an impression on me. Series: True Detective (I love the intro music and the mind-blowing visuals), Breaking Bad and the Argentinian film ‘Wild Tales’.
Josh Homme, Dan Auerbach, Lemmy Kilmister (RIP).
Porto, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Sardinia.
Don’t think too much about it, just do it.
I’m a passionate craftsman and chef and I love to eat (a lot). That’s the reason why I started to write my own cookbook. I’m looking forward to publishing it in October 2016 (hopefully).
a must.
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