A laid back location on the lakeshore, with a cozy beer garden. The garden is shaded by huge oak trees, next to a campground – so you can stay for the night. Gorgeous views of the lake and you can sit on the tiny pebble beach and dip your feet into the water. Great for families!
SUP Station Pilsensee is a great place to get into stand-up paddling. Pilsensee is one of the smaller lakes in the “Fünfseenland”, the water is calm and shallow near the shore. Guido and his team created an SUP test centre - a vintage caravan with a bunch of coloured flags and a selection of boards for every level. You can hire one on your own or book a coach if you want to.
A hidden gem in the Bavarian hills between Munich and the Alps! Bring a picnic and have an adventure on a 1-hour hike into a jungle canyon with a marvelous waterfall. Kids are thrilled to spot a “magician's castle” on the hilltop and an abandoned mill house deep in the forest. The little valley with fallen trees and a nice stream is a vast playground - you can spend the whole day here and forget you're just an hour away from busy Munich.
A non-touristy “Wirtshaus” in my favorite rural village south of Munich. They treat you like a friend, and serve really great food. The only place where my kids order salad! Nice beer garden, safe playground, cozy “Kachelofen Stubn”.
Set up your camp for the night at the end of Forellenweg. You are right next to the water and can go for an early morning swim in the lake.
Most delicious selection of organic and yummy food, try their "glowing green smoothie", excellent!
An ancient nunnery island accessible by boat.
Medieval town with Italian flair - the perfect destination for a cup of coffee before heading back to Munich.
Delicious cakes!
From Munich to Pilsensee only takes you about 45 minutes.
Also called "the Bavarian sea".

My thoughts about Munich
The marvellous nature of the Bavarian landscapes, all located and reachable within one hour from the city.

Take a vacation into My life
I'm 44. I studied architecture and moved to Munich with the love of my life in 1999. We started a family and made our dream come true: to run our own business in this beautiful city, with splendid lakes and magnificent mountains at our doorstep.
Making plans at dawn.
My wife, my kids, my business.
Always on the run.
Urban, adventurous, global, enterprising, sampling pleasures.
The Odyssey, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts, DIE ZEIT, SZ, The Guardian, Bauwelt, brandeins.
The Bourne series, Breaking Bad.
Jonathan Ive.
Iceland, Sardinia, Canada, Namibia, South Africa, Mexico, Mauritius, Norway, New Zealand.
Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied / Man forges his own destiny.
a great way to experience yourself.
an exciting ADVENTURE.
More local soulmates in Germany, Munich
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