Munich's Jewish centre in a vibrant district.
Fresh meat of the highest quality.
Walk up the tower and enjoy the view over Munich.
A very traditional Bavarian museum.
Find everything a balloon lover's heart desires.
The only museum in the world exclusively dedicated to antique sculptures.
Sexy lingerie for an even more sexy stay in Munich.
Germany's first cat café offers a vegan menu and real life cats to cuddle.
Perfect for a hearty breakfast or lunch!
Crazy ice cream flavours. Be brave and try one!
This vibrant and colourful district has so many nice shops and restaurants to offer!
A movie theatre that shows very special and artsy movies.
It's worth it to see the madness going on here.
A cool New York style bar mixing up deadly (good) cocktails.
The second oldest cinema in the city, continuously showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show since September 1977. Apart from that, they also show a selection of classics, cartoons, and blockbusters.

Our thoughts about Munich
Munich combines genuine Bavarian tradition with Zeitgeist – in a very relaxed manner. The quality of living in Munich is immense.

Take a vacation into Our life
We are both from Austria, from small towns that are actually only 15 minutes away by car.
We went to the same bars, shops, and restaurants for 20 years… but still didn't manage to meet each other until the moment we both decided to get out of the calm and quiet rural idyll and move to the vibrant crazy city.
Munich isn’t generally considered the epitome of wild city life (except for a few days during Oktoberfest) - but it was the perfect step for us. That was in 2006 and since then we moved in together, did the infamous couple shopping trip to IKEA (and survived… more than once!), got engaged, married, got pregnant (all not at IKEA), quit our day jobs, founded our own movie production company, and sometimes use former props as home furniture (yes, a tuba works perfectly as a lamp).
After 11 years it is still waking up next to each other, looking each other in the eyes, smiling, and knowing that we’re gonna spend the rest of our lives with the most wonderful person in the world.
Stories. We love to be entertained and to enjoy all those funny, crazy, emotional, heart-wrenching, weird, and beautiful stories life has to tell, be it in film, music, art, design, architecture, newspapers, or from friends, family, clients or the woman behind the vegetable counter.
Well educated, insanely relaxed darlings.
Well educated, insanely relaxed darlings.
Zeit Magazin, BrandEins, Salon, Novels by Wolf Haas, Sven Regener, Helge Schneider, Friedrich Dürrenmatt… itsnicethat.com, wikipedia.org
Twin Peaks - an oldie but goldie and so stunning that they’ have shown such weird stuff on TV in the 90s. We're looking forward to the sequel in 2017.
Also Game of Thrones, The Big Lebowski, Fargo (movie and series), The Royal Tennenbaums, The Life Aquatic, Grand Budapest Hotel, Sen and the Mysterious Disappearance of Chihiro, Cheyenne,This Must Be the Place, Flight of the Conchords, Magnolia, Gentlemen Broncos, Napoleon Dynamite.
David Lynch & Spongebob.
Istanbul, Vienna, Corsica, New Zealand, and recently we also discovered skiing holidays in resorts other than our home resort/town.
Is it art or is it arse?
Suitcase or weekender.
a fulfilled and ecstatic journey.
More local soulmates in Germany, Munich
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