My university, where I currently study fashion management.
Great coffee and speedy WiFi –the perfect place to get some work done.
I just love their Asian burgers – they serve great dishes with and without meat!
These two floors of the Soho House in Berlin are full of exciting fashion, furniture, music, art and books. When you’re done exploring, have lunch here and enjoy Cecconi’s and The Store Kitchen’s delicious food.
My all-time favourite lunch spot.
Treat yourself to one of the best avocado sandwiches in town and a super yummy piece of cake – now also open on Sundays.
This is your healthy food place for a delicious, feelgood weekend brunch.
We are definitely regulars at this café, and we love to exchange ideas over coffee here.
Get yourself some coffee here, have a look at the wonderful jewellery of Marie Schmitz or borrow a board game.
I always enjoy the impressive atmosphere around the Reichstag building and it’s a great location for photo shoots as well.
This is downtown Berlin, and the very heart of the city when you’re looking for culture, high-end shopping and entertainment.
The Museumsinsel is a beautiful place I highly recommend strolling around when in Berlin.
Everything at this cosy brunch place is made with love and passion.
Start your day right, with freshly prepared bagel and juice at this lovely café.
Roamers is beautiful and I love their food, coffee and interior – very unique!
A good place to get a solid breakfast.
A stylish club that plays good hip-hop.
Warm summer nights are best spent here, with a drink in your hand and a fantastic view over the city.
Get your caffeine kick before your shopping spree at Kaffeemitte!
A good starting point for an extensive shopping tour.
A true fashion avenue – lots to see here, have fun!

My thoughts about Berlin
The major contrasts, for example between Kreuzberg and the Upper East Side; I love how many different faces Berlin has.
The new album by The XX.

Take a vacation into My life
I was born in Saxony, in a little village with a population of around forty people. I was happy there, but I always felt that I stood out and that people were laughing at what I was doing, just because I dressed differently and pictures of mine were starting to be shared online in 2014 – here in Berlin this is nothing unusual! My love for fashion grew bigger and bigger and – I must admit – its origin is watching ‘Germany’s next Topmodel’. Later I started watching international fashion weeks on Youtube and buying GQ’s magazine GQ Style. After graduating from school, I worked in engineering for two months – something completely different, but it was fun. That was the time when I saw the campaign of Grazia and H&M, where they were looking for ‘Germany’s New Influencer’. I applied and was invited to the award show in Cologne, where I ended up taking first place. After the show, I went to London straight away to visit the Fashion Week there and, when I came back home, I moved to Berlin immediately. Everything went pretty quickly! In Berlin I started studying fashion management at the university BBW Hochschule in Charlottenburg and I started blogging a lot more. Now I really have the time to do it all; I have my own flat and I can totally be myself. Berlin is where I feel at home, where I can act out my style and where people encourage and support me in what I’m doing. Regarding my style: it’s always dependent on how my day is going. Often, I like it casual, all black everything. But mostly, I prefer my outfit to be chic, classy and dapper with modern elements. Less is more. But it really differs from day to day. If I had a ton of money, I’d shop at Gucci all the time; for now, Zara and Asos will have to do, but they are pretty good in their own right. It’s usually possible to find some cool statement pieces and patches there.
What I really want to achieve with my blog is to make a mark in the fashion world and inspire others, especially boys and men who are prone to thinking only women can wear striking outfits. The blog is my way of fulfilling my dreams!
The most creative phase of my day begins after 5 pm – this is when I’m full of motivation and inspiration. But really the best moments are when I receive positive feedback from my followers, for example when a picture blows up and gets a lot of comments. This is when all the work of communicating with people feels like it’s paying off.
Other bloggers inspire me a lot. When it comes to men’s blogs, I really like Carlo Sestini. With regards to women's blogs, the whole German blogger elite are doing a great job.
A few years ago, I would have said Miley Cyrus. She used to be my biggest idol and her courageous change and transition impressed me a lot. Today I would say it’s Kristina Bazan. I’ve been following her for a long, long time now and, since I have feel like I know here inside out, I would love to meet and get to know her in person.
It’s a classic: New York. Even if I only spent five days here, this city has mesmerised me like no other city. I always woke up super early and went for a walk around 6 am just to watch this huge city waking up. This energy, the vibration and pureness of living you experience there is very impressive.
To live and let live.
the chance to live your dreams.
Photos by ninaconicaco & philippa.sandberg
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