Visit the Miramonti Boutique Hotel, located high up on the mountain, and have a coffee on the panoramic terrace. Even better: stay here and enjoy the incredible view of the valley Etschtal and many more pleasures every day while you’re here!
Go up by cable car and enjoy a mouthwatering breakfast and the lush nature of the mountain.
Indulge yourself in excellent local cuisine at this authentic mountain alp.
From the Miramonti Hotel it’s around an hour’s hike up to this wonderful alp. Don't miss out on a glass of fresh buttermilk (full to the brim of course) with fresh raspberries!
Stroll along this promenade and for your first impression of beautiful Meran!
Follow the route of the Tappeiner Weg and marvel at the subtropical flaura and the views of Old Town Meran. If you keep on walking you can even make it all the way to the village Dorf Tirol.
One of the most wonderful lakes of the area, inside the nature reserve Montiggl. If it is still warm enough bring along your bathing suits, definitely do so!
In case you’re hungry after a long day at the lake, head to this traditional restaurant and gorge yourself on their fantastic Mediterranean cuisine.
This family business has been producing first-class wine since 1823.
Try the produce of the vineyard Alois Lageder and partake in a wine tasting at the Vineria Paradeis.
If you’re a fan of fantastic, full-flavoured red wine, then this is the place to go!
The Arunda champagne cellar focuses on the production of sparkling wine. Get yourself a bottle for special occasions!
Why not go for a coffee tasting for once? We love the Kuntrawant coffee and buy it for the Miramonti, too.
Sit right by the river Passer, have a cup of coffee and a heavenly slice of ‘Sachertorte’ (Sacher cake).
Fine dining in a very romantic and beautiful garden. Our favourite dish here: ‘Steinbutt mit Spargel und Morcheln’ (turbot with asparagus and morels).
Have some great drinks at the stylish and laidback cocktail bar Rossini.
Very nice cocktail bar along the Passer river with friendly people.
One of the best bike shops in the area!
Delicious, awarded gourmet restaurant in Meran.
One of our favourite places for a great pizza and some good wines.
A beautiful shop with great cosmetic products and perfumes.
Small, italian bar for coffee or aperitivo.
The in-location for the locals with tasty, modern food.
The only Monocle shop in Italy!
Rent an exclusive Merano villa from the 1960s. For your own enjoyment with a group of close friends. In twos with lots of space. Or as a nice family vacation. Behind the palm trees of Obermais is where everyday life becomes an experience, because the key is the time you spend together. A good idea all year round.
Great exhibitions
A shop inspired by the surrounding mountains.
Amazing chocolate from bean to bar.
Quality bakery in Merano. Bread made with sourdough and organic flours.
Gourmet pizzeria!
Special and young restaurant directly at the river Passer.
The Vineria Paradeis offers a very special setting for tasting and purchasing wines and for culinary pleasures.
guesthouse where tradition lives on: the Ottmanngut can tell many stories, the everyday and the curious, the artistic and the fantastic, the funny and the serious, all worthy of discovery. The grandeur of yesterday meets the style of today at the Ottmanngut.
Honest, simple and genuine food. Home-made as it was then, in the butcher's, in the mill, in the bakery.
Family affair: Sister Elisabeth makes the best pizza in Val Venosta and a very nice b&b for biking and family.

Our thoughts about Meran
We have the best of everything here. The thick forest at our backs and the rocks underneath our feet give us a feeling of security. Encounter stunning nature, get lost in the woods, be active, get yourself dirty and then come back to the Miramonti hotel and unwind in a calm and elegant atmosphere. Or head down to the wonderful city of Meran and enjoy urbanity. Nowadays people like to withdraw from daily life from time to time and rejuvenate in a peaceful and quiet place, but after a few days it is nice to be able to experience a little change again. Meran is only ten minutes away by car and it’s such a vivid and colourful place.

Take a vacation into Our life
We’re both born and raised in South Tyrol. Carmen is from northern Sterzing and Klaus from western Mals. The College of Hotel Management in Meran, Kaiserhof is where we met and fell in love. Back then already, we were always talking about establishing our own business one day. After we had worked at home and abroad and for other hotel businesses for a few years, we started managing the Miramonti hotel in Hafling, which is a small mountain village overlooking the beautiful city of Meran. We were both only 24 years old back then, which is quite a young age to be taking on so much responsibility. After a while we left the Miramonti again for four years, in which time we worked in Austria—always together, never splitting up the the great team which we are. But at the end of the day, our hearts belonged to South Tyrol. We just love the unique quality of life you have here. Regardless whether it’s the coffee, pasta, the newspaper or nature, we feel like these things are better here than anywhere else in the world. And it’s home! So we came back eventually and, at that time, the Miramonti hotel was on the market, so we tried our best to finally make it our own—we succeeded. Since then, we’ve been running the Miramonti Boutique Hotel with passion and dedication. The label ‘Boutique Hotel’ incorporates everything that we stand for: a hotel managed by its owners, with an eye for detail, and a very personal and caring relationship with our guests.
The best moment is realising our hotel guests are happy. We love to see people of different nations meeting and getting to know each other at the Miramonti hotel, having a good time with each other and perhaps even becoming good friends. Those people will always come back and this is one of the best rewards for us. Another priceless moment is when we feel that the guests arriving simply match the Miramonti, which means our house is filled with people just like us—positive, authentic and relaxed.
Carmen: Trying to always be different from others in what you do. And travelling, of course.
Klaus: Magazines and travelling. We try to discover a different destination every year and check out other Boutique Hotels. The work of others inspires us a great deal!
Hoteliers, with all our heart.
Carmen: South Africa, was really impressive to me and it also reminded me a little bit of South Tyrol, due to vegetation and climate. This year I’m really looking forward to travelling to Barcelona.
Klaus: We loved Paris and we also had a really great time in Scotland.
Carmen: Be different and live for the moment! There is no point in holding on to your past desperately or planning your future meticulously.
Klaus: ‘Tue recht und scheue niemand‘—Do right and be afraid of nobody!
Carmen: inspiration.
Klaus: recreation.
Carmen: an adventure.
Klaus: within our business: a daily challenge!
Your daily travel inspiration

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