From here you’ve got the perfect view from the terrace and it is a cool and easy way to start the day - even when it is already noon.
It is a nice chill-out zone where you can walk along the river leisurely by day or have a good aperitif with friends towards the day’s end.
A quiet, friendly place where you can drink tasty juice and get some work done while feeling at home at the same time.
This street and those surrounding it are where we like to shop.
This is one of our favorite museums as their exhibitions are always very well prepared. It doesn’t take too much time to get a nice overview. It’s situated in an old private hotel and their selections gather old and new photographs.
The impressive art installation Colonnes de Buren is located inside the courtyard of the palace.
David, the owner, runs his restaurant with a lot of passion. He likes to support small producers of wine, cold meat and cheese. It is located at the corner of an old Parisian passage and a street famous for prostitution - two worlds meet.
Typical French food located in a little cobblestone street.
Beautiful bistro with a typical French atmosphere, cool and noisy.
The bistro has a modern look and you are served in a nice and cosy atmosphere. It is a little bit on the expensive side but the food is always fabulous.
Best burger in town. Either choose to go to the restaurant or check out where and when their food truck is to be found.
We love this bar for its laidback and easy going Parisian crowd. They love organic ingredients and electronic music and so do we!
Cool little hideout offering funny and yummy cocktails.
Hidden place at the end of a courtyard where you can either walk around the different rooms and look at their very special interior or sit and drink with friends.
In the heart of the Latin district – close to Notre-Dame- this is a famous but far-from-snobby jazz spot. It has kept a very welcoming spirit and the underground cave where the concerts take place will make you feel lucky to know this place.

Our thoughts about Paris
It’s a never ending playground. It looks like a museum city but it is a museum where you’re allowed to drink, eat and make noise.
Anne: Serge Gainsbourg and Édith Piaf’s music for the French charm as well as “L’amour en solitaire” by Juliette Armanet.
Alex: The “Victoria” soundtrack by Nils Frahm.
Stray from the tourist’s path!

Take a vacation into Our life
Two people who met each other at a concert. Also, we both have been travelling and meeting people since birth, and we just can’t get enough.
The evening, when the sun sets and we’re meeting friends and drinking good wine. Yes, admittedly, we’re French.
Anne: A green spirit, people who change the world, art.
Alex: The stories people tell. People always have a good story to tell you.
Crazy adventurers and experiment addicts.
Anne: Spiritual, healthy, creative, unpredictable, busy.
Alex: Busy, instinctive, inquisitive, well-surrounded, ahead.
Anne: Neon Magazine, novels by Wajdi Mouawad, newspapers online.
Alex: Alessandro Baricco.
Anne: Moonrise Kingdom, Jeu d’enfant, Les amours imaginaires, Into the Wild / New Girl, Breaking Bad.
Alex: Wes Anderson’s universe.
Anne: Dalaï-Lama.
Alex: God, but I’m not sure that he would take the plane.
Anne: Mongolia.
Alex: South Africa has held my heart for the last fifteen years.
Anne: Listen to your mind and follow it.
Alex: If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it.
‘Where we are going, we don’t need a suitcase’.
Anne: Once, we missed our flight to Norway, so we went to Great Britain instead. And it was fun. We got piercings there. True story!
Alex: We’ve hiked 56 kilometers in Kyrgyzstan’s mountains, with three pieces of bread, six bars of snickers and only one sleeping bag. We are never very well prepared, but always ready to try.
Anne: Essential to understanding the world .
Alex: Realizing that the world is quite large.
Anne: Precious. More than the prettiest jewels of your grandma.
Alex: A pretty funny moment.
Photos by Flora Panarioux, http://happyflousing.com/
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