Durch das 1925 erbaute Anwesen weht Leben. Im Kleinen stecken Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen, Annehmliches, Begegnungen. Verbinden zu Großem. Die Villa Arnica ist ein berührender Ort, wo selbst das Bad ein Kreuzgewölbe ziert und das antike Röhrenradio von längst vergangenen oder – wer weiß – von künftigen Zeiten summt. Der Boden unter unseren Füßen erdet und die Berge um uns beflügeln. In sich selbst ruhen und der Gegenwart zuhören.
  • Where?

  • Italien · Südtirol · Lana
  • How many rooms?

  • 10 Zimmer & Suiten
  • Best of?

  • Die Ruhe - Adults-Only · der Retro-Charme · Yoga · Pool · der paradiesische Garten
  • Pricerange?

  • ab 235 € pro Nacht

A relaxing holiday in South Tyrol is always a good idea! Italian Dolce Vita with delicious farm-to-table food, excellent wine, imposing mountains, natural valleys, elegant villas, pretty villages, the charm of the Belle Epoque, joie de vivre and warmth, lush gardens and many hours of sunshine. The enchanting wine village of Lana, not far from Merano, has been enriched for some time by another gem for overnight stays and relaxation: Villa Arnica.


A touch of the 20s, a breeze of 50s & 60s, tasteful furnishings with hand-picked antiques, flea market finds and design classics, a lot of peace - because adults-only, a light-flooded yoga room and the spacious, paradisiacal garden around the pool make Villa Arnica unique. Loggias, balconies and bay windows adorn the yellow venerable villa and invite you to travel through time. A place of pure relaxation and analogue pleasures is waiting for you: Lying by the pool with a good book, dancing through the rooms to the music of old records, breathing, daydreaming, feeling your body in between on a short bike tour or yoga session, delicacies Enjoy from the garden with a good glass of wine, what to write, to draw, to philosophize with the other guests and to be aware of the beauty of life and the transience of it.


The Schwarzschmied, 1477 Reichhalter and the Villa Arnica belong to Lana and our favorite South Tyrolean hotels like the Dolce Vita to Italy. The parents of Klaus & Moritz Dissertori opened the Hotel Schwarzschmied in 1981 and gave their two sons everything they needed to successfully continue the hotel family history. The partly listed Villa Arnica complements the portfolio perfectly with its 10 rooms & suites. No two rooms are alike: the refurbished herringbone parquet, polished terrazzo floors and floral wallpaper patterns create an atmosphere. As a guest, one feels more like visiting fellow aestheticians than in a hotel.

Must Do’s

➢ Enjoy breakfast - with many regional ingredients - in the salotto in the villa or in the pool house in the garden

➢ Walk or cycle to the center of Lana with small, fine shops, the market and the 1477 Reichhalter

➢ Hiking, mountaineering, skiing, ... on the Vigiljoch - the local mountain of Lana at 1700 m altitude or in Ultental

➢ Explore the beautiful cities of Merano and Bolzano

➢ Browse through the selection of books and magazines in the library

➢ Enjoy yourself in the SPA area of ​​the neighboring Hotel Schwarzschmied

You are not a drop in the ocean, you are an entire ocean in a drop. - Rumi

One cannot describe the value of yoga, one has to experience it. - B.K.S. Iyengar

Those are the sunny days ...

we will never forget

Enjoy the fantastic food in 1477 Reichhalter and in MIIL!

Image Credit: Jasmine Deporta, Patrick Schwienbacher, Klaus Dissertori, Hotel Schwarzschmied, Susanne Spiel, NECTAR & PULSE

Where to find us


Schmiedgasse, 6, Lana, South Tyrol, Italy

Nearest Airport


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Hotels with Soul by NECTAR & PULSE is a personal collection of our favourite hotels around the globe. They have two things in common: soul and passion. Some serve the best coffee we’ve ever tasted. Some the comfiest beds and linen. Some have a sauna in the woods and delicious home-made jams. Others have a butler available 24/7 or a hunter ready to take you on a hunt. One has a library where you’ll want to while away the hours, another one a kitchen stocked with the best midnight snacks.

What they all have in common is great design, friendly people, and authenticity. We call it the NECTAR & PULSE vibe. It’s that feeling where it’s so comfortable, it almost feels home, but you feel like there’s so much to learn, see, and do. These are the places that make you think to yourself, “there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Hotels with Soul are the ultimate destination for curious travellers with a good taste. Discover their story. Experience their soul.


We love to discover new places and to add more beautiful places to our collection. If you think that your hotel reflects our philosophy, please get in touch with us at hello@nectarandpulse.com. We are happy to give you further information, our media kit and our terms. We are looking forward to get to know you and eventually to work together.


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