Das war ein Urlaub genau wie wir ihn gebraucht haben: Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof der Extraklasse. Die Geschichte des Hoferbichlguts reicht bis ins Jahr 1427 zurück. Heute betreibt das herzliche Gastgeberpaar Johann und Eva den Hof mit viel Leidenschaft und einer Liebe zu den Tieren. Der Blick auf die umliegende Bergwelt und das Steinerne Meer ist einfach nur atemberaubend. Unsere vier Kinder haben den ganzen Tag im Garten gespielt, Iglus gebaut, Bob gefahren, die Tiere im Stall besucht und waren begeistert von der Katze, den Kühen und Pferden. Die Ferienwohnungen und das Chalet haben alles was man für einen gelungenen Urlaub braucht und sind geschmackvoll und hochwertig eingerichtet. Der Brötchenservice in der Früh rundet das ganze ab. Die Sauna und der Naturbadeteich sind im Winter wie Sommer ein Highlight.

Hallo Freunde

Sonne + Schnee = perfekte Mischung

Dieser Ausblick - einfach WOW!

Wir haben sowohl im Chalet wie in einem der Apartments geschlafen und können beides sehr empfehlen.

Viel Holz und Gemütlichkeit für einen gelungenen Berg-Urlaub


Schwitzen und Ausatmen


Hans – der passionierte Landwirt und Gastgeber

Frische Milch - lecker!

Danke für die wundervolle Zeit bei euch Hans und Eva und alle Tiere auf dem Hof!
Where to find us
Address Chalet und Bauernhof Steinerner-Meerblick & Appartements Hoferbichlgut - Saalfelden, Hof, Saalfelden, Austria |
Nearest Airport Salzburg |
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Hotels with Soul by NECTAR & PULSE is a personal collection of our favourite hotels around the globe. They have two things in common: soul and passion. Some serve the best coffee we’ve ever tasted. Some the comfiest beds and linen. Some have a sauna in the woods and delicious home-made jams. Others have a butler available 24/7 or a hunter ready to take you on a hunt. One has a library where you’ll want to while away the hours, another one a kitchen stocked with the best midnight snacks.
What they all have in common is great design, friendly people, and authenticity. We call it the NECTAR & PULSE vibe. It’s that feeling where it’s so comfortable, it almost feels home, but you feel like there’s so much to learn, see, and do. These are the places that make you think to yourself, “there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Hotels with Soul are the ultimate destination for curious travellers with a good taste. Discover their story. Experience their soul.
We love to discover new places and to add more beautiful places to our collection. If you think that your hotel reflects our philosophy, please get in touch with us at hello@nectarandpulse.com. We are happy to give you further information, our media kit and our terms. We are looking forward to get to know you and eventually to work together.
Austria, Salzburg24 hours
by Pia Clodi -
Hong Kong24 hours
by Vivienne Tang -
Austria, Saalfelden-Leogang24 hours
by Sabine Enzinger- Bike Queen
- Traveller
- Life Lover
Austria, Saalfelden-Leogang24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Austria, Saalfelden-Leogang24 hours
by Marlene Lumpi -
Greece, Kos24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
A Worldwide Collection24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Germany, Ulm24 hours
by Birgit Bachmeier- Fighter
- Music Addict
- Busy Bee
Switzerland, Basel24 hours
by Carla Frauenfelder- Guarantor of Adventure
- Start-up Founder
- Travel Addict
Austria, Vienna24 hours
by Monika Kanokova- Community & Content Strategist
- Wes Anderson fan
- Freelancer by heart
France, Paris24 hours
by Ekaterina Geta- Foodie
- Photographer
- Perfectionist
Germany, Berlin24 hours
by Mia Florentine Weiss- Artist
- World traveller
- Goethe lover
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Linda Leitner- Fashion Photographer
- Travel Tattoo Collector
- Enthusiast
Germany, Hamburg24 hours
by Friederike Leest- Journalist
- Mum
- Coffee addict
Ukraine, Kyiv24 hours
by Diana Matviyiv- Journalism Student
- Book lover
- Curious Soul
Austria, Bad Gastein24 hours
by Nadin Brendel- Conscious Communicator
- Minimalist
- Collector of Beauty
Austria, Kitzbuehel24 hours
by- Gourmet
- Mountain lover
- Kitzbühel blogger
Australia, Byron Bay24 hours
by The Adamo Family- Adventurer
- Bohemians
- Lovers of Life
Austria, Lech24 hours
by Jennifer Bitsche- Eyewear Blogger
- Skier
- Patriot
New Zealand24 hours
by Tatjana Pronath- Adventurers
- Music lovers
- Visionaries
Germany, Berlin24 hours
by Erik Scholz- Fashion Blogger
- Social Media Pro
- Coffee lover
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Vanessa Morin- Fashion designer
- Series junky
- Crossfitter
USA, Los Angeles24 hours
by Kristian Nord & Malte Hagemeister The Great Escape- Musicians
- Surfers
- Producers
Austria, Graz24 hours
by Diana Ranegger, Clarissa Kober and Johanna Kohlenberger- Vintage lovers
- Young entrepreneurs
- Bohemians
Austria, Innsbruck24 hours
by Verena-Annabella Raffl- Blogger
- Journalist
- Dog lover
Austria, Innsbruck24 hours
by Marianne Kohlmaier-Ecker- Italy lover
- Yogi
- shop owner
Israel, Tel Aviv24 hours
by Anna Kopito- Online magazine founder
- explorer
- creative mind
Maldives24 hours
by Mohamed ‘Navi’ Naveez- Surf Coach
- photographer
- role model
Indonesia, Bali24 hours
by Daniela Andrews- Blogger
- Nomad
- Woman of Action
Indonesia, Bali24 hours
by Nicola Winzinger- Fashion designer
- gypsy
- surfer
Sweden, Stockholm24 hours
by Ewa Olszewska- Secret bartender
- bon vivant
- J.K. Rowling fan
Sweden, Stockholm24 hours
by Isabell Stolt- Water lover
- activist
- rap talent
US West Coast24 hours
by Tatjana Pronath- Adventurers
- Music lovers
- Visionaries
Austria, Bregenz24 hours
by Patricia Erne- Poet
- skipper
- Juggler of words
Italy, Meran24 hours
by Carmen & Klaus Alber- Hoteliers
- Aesthetes
- Sweethearts
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Stefan Hermansdorfer- Cookbook author
- Beer sommelier
- Hangover doctor
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Juan and Roman Bayona Garcia and Enders- Businessmen
- coffee addicts
- discoverers
Oman24 hours
by Fahad Alabry- Personal Trainer
- Goal-Getter
- Marathon Runner
Croatia, Split & Islands24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Austria, Vienna24 hours
by Jan Pöltner- Founder
- Businessman
- Gummi bear addict
Germany, Nuremberg24 hours
by Nantou Beavogui Bastian Doreth- Cool cats
- Hip Hop lovers
- Open minded souls
Austria, Vienna24 hours
by Magdalena Schöner- Design Manager
- discoverer
- Coco Chanel fan
Portugal West Coast24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Vanessa Monogioudis- Designer
- Psychologist
- Observer of life
Netherlands, Amsterdam24 hours
by Elena Köstler- Adventurer
- Lover of life
- Big hitter
Hong Kong24 hours
by Emma Stolt Bragée Anders Bragée- Dancing machines
- curious souls
- explorer
Portugal, South24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
China, Shanghai24 hours
by Josipa Benjamin Haller- World explorer
- foodies
- strategists
Austria, Vienna24 hours
by Katharina Schmalzl Viktoria Heiler- Blogger
- Girl Bosses
- Cool cats
France, Paris24 hours
by Anne Peron Alex Lagarde- Creative heads
- travel researchers
- wild hearts
Iceland, South24 hours
by Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir- Adventurer
- Polar Explorer
- Summiteer
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Christoph Schaller- Photographer
- creative mind
- magazine collector
Great Britain, London24 hours
by Tom Pandé- Photographer
- Interior designer
- Artist
Switzerland, Zermatt24 hours
by Romina and Patrick- Mountain Aficionados
- Outdoor Enthusiasts
- Digital Natives
Iceland, Reykjavik24 hours
by Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir- Adventurer
- Polar Explorer
- Summiteer
Poland, Warsaw24 hours
by Ewa Olszewska- Secret bartender
- bon vivant
- J.K. Rowling fan
Turkey, Istanbul24 hours
by Kerem Aris Merve Parnas- Newlyweds
- aesthetes
- adventure seekers
Austria, Salzburg24 hours
by Nina Wrodnigg Patrick Langwallner- Bon vivants
- digital storytellers
- Mehlspeisen fanatics
USA, New York24 hours
by Carina & Tanja- Founders
- Entrepreneurs
- Soulmates
Spain, Mallorca24 hours
by Mar Suau- Hotelier
- Mother
- Dreamer
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Markus Gärtner Nele Köstler- early birds
- beat lovers
- energizing couple
Switzerland, Zurich24 hours
by Michael Eder- Dancer
- sunbather
- easy-going nature
Iceland, Snæfellsnes24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Spain, Ibiza24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Spain, Ibiza24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
USA, New York24 hours
by Nele Koestler- Party animal
- bundle of energy
- achiever
Sweden, Stockholm24 hours
by Hanna Olszewska- Businesslady
- mum
- food enthusiast
Sweden, Stockholm24 hours
by Nina and Johanna Piroth- Sisters
- "DJanes"
- seekers of quiet
France, Paris24 hours
by Josipa Haller- Dancer
- sweet tooth
- art lover
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Martin Penner- Adventurer
- outdoorsman
- architect
Portugal, Lisbon24 hours
by Anna Westerlund- Ceramic designer
- Mom
- City explorer
Israel, Tel Aviv24 hours
by Roza Sinaysky- Cosmopolitan
- fashion journalist
- sun worshipper
Germany, Berlin24 hours
by Janne & Julian Rönsberg- Parents
- Earring entrepreneurs
- nature lovers
Spain, Ibiza24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
South Africa, Cape Town24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Iceland, South24 hours
by The Rooses- Travel Family
- Lovers
- Urban Nomads
Austria, Vienna24 hours
by Mira Kolenc- Vintage lover
- hobby confectioner
- columnist
USA, New York24 hours
by Stacy Seebode- Lover
- optimist
- cosmopolitan
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Jonathan Roos- born 2013
- firefighter
- beloved son
Canada, Toronto24 hours
by Daniela Andrews- Blogger
- Nomad
- Woman of Action
USA, New York24 hours
by Carly DeFilippo- Creative Strategist
- food writer
- french soul
Canada, Toronto24 hours
by Melanie Kimmett- Designer
- mother-to-be
- full-blooded Canadian
Germany, Leipzig24 hours
by Karin Kaswurm & Georg Teigl- Sports addicts
- globetrotters
- lovers
Germany, Munich24 hours
by Christoph & Nicole Trojer- Weirdos
- movie freaks
- freshly baked parents
Belize24 hours
by Cara Araneta- Sun Chaser
- Designer
- Palm Tree Lover
Your daily travel inspiration

10 mal GLÜCKLICH IN ... Reiseführer
by Tanja Roos
Hallo liebe Reisefreunde! Unsere GLÜCKLICH IN … Bücher, die wir gemeinsam mit der Süddeutschen Zeitung herausgeben, sind mehr als gewöhnliche Reiseführer. Sie sind eine Hommage an die Lebensfreude. Sie beinhalten unsere persönlichen, handverlesenen Lieblingsorte, Geschichten, Fotos und Zitate. Wir haben unser gesamtes Wissen, tiefgehende Recherche und Herzblut von über 10

by The Rooses
Hello lovelies, it's December, the first mountains are white and we celebrate this … Read more

by The Rooses
Can you believe it? It's already October. Crazy! Here our playlist for you. With lo… Read more