Schöne Hotels für ein bisschen Romantik

von in Lebensstil

It's Valentine's Day tomorrow! Why not go on a spontaneous love trip?

Boutique Hotel Miramonti – Meran

The Boutique Hotel Miramonti, high above Meran, is for all lovebirds on cloud nine. Enjoy romantic glances over an excellent dinner at the panorama restaurant and floating in the infinity pool. By night the stars and the lights of the valley twinkle at least as bright as lover's eyes. To find out more about this mountain jewel and what else to do in the area check out our Soulful Hotel Story and the hotelier's travel guide.

Widder Hotel – Zurich

The Widder Hotel exists of nine renovated historic medieval houses, all interconnected with each other. Matches made in heaven you could say! The hotel's core, the Widder bar, is a much preferred dating spot: quiet live piano music, smoky whiskey and a slightly sinful atmosphere. To find out more about this Swiss love nest and what else to do in the area check out our Soulful Hotel Story and our Local Soulmate's travel guide


Park Hyatt – Vienna

This place is full of love: love for the old times, love for gold, love for royalty, love for details, love for glamour and love for good food. The noble Park Hyatt Vienna is made for celebrating the best feeling in the world and more special events adequately. To find out more about this Viennese hideaway fit for kings and queens and what else to do in the area check out our Soulful Hotel Story and the travel guides by our Local Soulmates.  

Casa Arte – Algarve

Looking for privacy and peace where you can uninterruptedly talk for hours, hold hands 24/7, giggle about everything and only have eyes for each other? Or you're already a little family and want to celebrate all together? Then one of the beautiful five rooms or all of them of the charming Casa Arte near Faro, in the Portuguese outback, is the place for you. To find out more about this Mediterranean gem and what else to do in the area check out our Soulful Hotel Story and the Portugal travel guides.

Son Brull Hotel & Spa – Mallorca

The Son Brull Hotel & Spa on Mallorca is another perfect last minute getaway for lovers who are not only hungry for each other but also for some sun and spring vibes. The weather, the atmosphere, the wonderful hotel and the one holding your hand will make you have tons of butterflies in your tummy! Two other hot tipps are the fantastic Hotel Cort and the stunning hotel Castell Son Claret. To find out more about those happy places and what else to do in the area check out our Soulful Hotel Stories and the travel guide by our Local Soulmate


Freie Stelle: Social Media


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Haus Hirt

Haus Hirt

Schon seit langer Zeit steht das Haus Hirt ganz oben auf unserer to-do Liste, vor all… Read more

Hotel Cort

Hotel Cort

 Ein Aufenthalt in diesem wunderschönen Design Hotel in der Inselstadt Palma de Mal… Read more