So many of us live in a rat race. Thinking: as soon as I have reached xy…I am happy. As soon as my business makes millions I am happy. As soon I am making this world tour I am happy. As soon as I am married I am happy. As soon as I have kids I am happy. As soon as I am divorced I am happy. As soon as I am listed as Forbes top 100 I am happy. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. If you don’t start to see yourself as successful and happy NOW nothing is going to make a difference. Life is a journey – that is our claim! But instead of rushing from one goal to the next and from one destination to the next: enjoy the journey itself.
Life is not supposed to be a rat race. Stop in between. Look back. Reflect. Enjoy the journey along. See and appreciate what is around you and what you already achieved. Small and big. Take good care of yourself. Do what does you good. Indulge. Rest. Do nothing in between. It changes a lot. Enjoy time with your loved ones. Your kids. Put away your phone. Switch it off once in a while. Be all there.
Faster higher further – won’t bring you happiness! You make a huge change for yourself and everyone around you if you live a fulfilled life. If you stop prooving something about you. If you start living a successful fulfilled life no matter where you are right now. You are awesome! Love who you are.