#10 Das Leben ist eine Reise

#10 Das Leben ist eine Reise


So many of us live in a rat race. Thinking: as soon as I have reached xy…I am happy. As... Weiter

#9 Höre auf zu vergleichen

#9 Höre auf zu vergleichen


It’s soooooo easy to compare yourself to other people! In times of Social Media, it’s even more challenging not to.... Weiter

#8 Soulmates

#8 Soulmates


Starting a business can be exhausting from time to time. You need a few soulmates who have a BIG vision... Weiter

#7 Authentizität

#7 Authentizität


If you launch your own business you can be vulnerable. Of course there will be people who criticise or even... Weiter

#6 Vertrauen

#6 Vertrauen


Another lesson we learned during our start-up was: Trust! Trusting yourself. Your intention. Your skills. Your beloved ones. Your business... Weiter

#5 Commitment

#5 Commitment


‘It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if... Weiter

#4 Money

#4 Money


‘Travel is something you pay for but which makes you richer’.  For quite some time money wasn’t really a focal point of ours... Weiter

#3 Produkt

#3 Produkt


On our many journeys, we’ve found that locals have always proved to be the best guides. We figured it’s the... Weiter

#2 Vision

#2 Vision


‘If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision... Weiter

Relaunch YAY

Relaunch YAY


In 2010, almost seven years ago, we started Nectar & Pulse with nothing but a suitcase full of ideas and each... Weiter