#10 Das Leben ist eine Reise

#10 Das Leben ist eine Reise


So many of us live in a rat race. Thinking: as soon as I have reached xy…I am happy. As... Weiter

#9 Höre auf zu vergleichen

#9 Höre auf zu vergleichen


It’s soooooo easy to compare yourself to other people! In times of Social Media, it’s even more challenging not to.... Weiter

#8 Soulmates

#8 Soulmates


Starting a business can be exhausting from time to time. You need a few soulmates who have a BIG vision... Weiter

#7 Authentizität

#7 Authentizität


If you launch your own business you can be vulnerable. Of course there will be people who criticise or even... Weiter

#6 Vertrauen

#6 Vertrauen


Another lesson we learned during our start-up was: Trust! Trusting yourself. Your intention. Your skills. Your beloved ones. Your business... Weiter

#5 Commitment

#5 Commitment


‘It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if... Weiter

#4 Money

#4 Money


‘Travel is something you pay for but which makes you richer’.  For quite some time money wasn’t really a focal point of ours... Weiter

#3 Produkt

#3 Produkt


On our many journeys, we’ve found that locals have always proved to be the best guides. We figured it’s the... Weiter

#2 Vision

#2 Vision


‘If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision... Weiter

#1 Passion

#1 Passion


In 2009 we moved to the Swedish woods for one-and-a-half years and worked on our startup from home and from some cosy cafés... Weiter

Relaunch YAY

Relaunch YAY


In 2010, almost seven years ago, we started Nectar & Pulse with nothing but a suitcase full of ideas and each... Weiter