Starting a business can be exhausting from time to time. You need a few soulmates who have a BIG vision of you and your business and who remind you of it – especially in the low points. When you failure. When you are clueless. When you critize everything. When you are afraid. When you don’t know which direction to go. Take good care of your Soulmates. Be thankful. And give it back.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the people who supported and empowered us the past years. Without you we would never be where we are. WE LOVE YOU! Thank you to our Local Soulmates for making NECTAR & PULSE what it is. An inspiring source for travelling! Thank you for sharing your personal favourite spots and your perspective on the world.
In order to make something big you need a great team. Embrace the differences. Learn from each other and as a business owner learn to delegate. Find people who are better in certain things than you are. Empower and instruct them and focus yourself on what you are best in. Thank you to the best team in the world!

Best team.

Former team member and interns. THANK YOU!

With our Local Soulmate and We Make Them Wonder
